vineri, 29 aprilie 2016

De ce sa aleg usi din PVC pentru exterior?

Orice constructie trebuie finalizata cu tamplaria, iar aceasta trebuie aleasa cu atentie pentru a evita costuri suplimentare pe viitor. In cazul usilor exterioare cele  mai recomandate sunt acele usi PVC de exterior intrucat propun numeroase avantaje. Acestea sunt confectionate la comanda conform cerintelor tuturor clientilor, putand avea mai multe straturi de protectie, sunt personalizabile si exista cateva culori din care se poate alege. In functie de destinatia cladirii, usile se pot adapta, iar companiile cu care se colaboreaza trebuie sa acorde mai multe servicii precum consultanta, transport sau montaj.

De ce sa aleg usi din PVC pentru exterior?

In primul rand pentru ca sunt destul de accesibile din punct de vedere financiar. Sunt mai ieftine decat cele din lemn, iar cum banii nu sunt suficienti niciodata, PVC-ul reprezinta o solutie ideala. De asemenea, nu implica o intretinere complicata, fiind suficienta stergerea lor ocazionala cu o carpa moale. Durata de viata depaseste chiar si 10 ani, atat timp cat sunt utilizate in mod corespunzator, insa in aceasta perioada probabil ca nu este nevoie de mai mult decat de inlocuirea unei balamale sau a clantei ce se deterioareaza mai des. 

Dezavantajele termopanului

Cu toate acestea, usile din PVC pot reprezenta o problema pentru spatiul exterior deoarece nu promite siguranta, insa daca exista camere de supraveghere in apropiere, acestea pot fi suficiente. Se recomanda ca usile sa fie intarite fie cu otel, fie cu aluminiu, pentru a rezista mai bine pe durata iernii si la temperaturile scazute, in caz contrar se pot fisura.

Unii clienti le considera inestetice, motiv pentru care evita PVC-ul pentru exterior, preferandu-le insa pentru interiorul locuintelor. In schimb, pentru cladirile de birouri sau spatiile comerciale, aceste usi sunt bine venite, in special datorita costurilor mici propuse, insa termopanul trebuie evitat in cazul cladirilor mai vechi deoarece poate schimba total aspectul general.

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2016

Virtual tour software - how to sale your properties

As a real estate investor and professional that works a lot in the area of constructions and then is selling what he builds you will have a really tough time in finding clients directly, which is not good at all, as the money are caught in the investment until the apartments are getting sold.

Now... I learned that nowadays (due to the huge adoption rate of the internet, social media, technology and so on) anyone will be present in a way or another in the online world. So... if you manage to correctly market your products in the online market, then you will be able to add great value to your property by using the latest technologies, inovations, like virtual tour software - which means that you will be able to list your properties everywhere without issues.

The fact that anyone is able to put a lot of information into social media, then this means that you won't need so much the obsolete printed media, the obsolete newspapers that are printed and are thrown in the garbage after 1 or at most 2 days after purchase.

So... technology is good, and we need to adapt to it in order to create better sales value to our projects. This is why I have appreciated a lot this solution, named tourwizard, as it provides a lot of features that I have really searched.

You can:
- create the tour
- add music
- add QR codes
- add photo galeries
- promote this on social media
- easily customize

Andmany other interesting features that are vital to any company that wants to sell properties online.

marți, 12 aprilie 2016

Sejur in Africa de Sud

De cand eram mic copil mi-a placut natura si de fiecare data cand aveam ocazia ieseam la padure sau mergeam in excursii la munte. Intre timp au inceput sa imi placa si vacantele exotice si am dezvoltat o fascinatie pentru Africa de Sud, dupa ce am vazut o multime de documentare la televizor si am citit mult pe internet. Am facut multe sacrificii ca sa imi permit un sejur in Africa de sud, insa pot spune ca a meritat cu varf si indesat in ciuda pretului ridicat. Am petrecut 10 zile de vis, timp in care am explorat natura: flora si fauna.

Pot spune ca este un sentiment unic, simti cum iti curge adrenalina in sange cand esti intr-un autoturism 4x4 si treci prin taramurile animalelor salbatice si le vezi cum se apropie curioase de tine. Am stat la mai multe hoteluri, iar majoritatea aveau teme africane, fiind o adevarata bucurie sa poti descoperi aceasta cultura mult subapreciata. De asemenea, desertul african ofera un peisaj pe care nu il mai poti vedea in niciun alt loc din lume, iar temperaturile ridicate, care depasesc chiar si 50 de grade sunt foarte dificil de suportat. In schimb dupa o zi lunga in care explorezi natura, nimic nu se compara cu adierea racoroasa a vantului care strabate copacii subtiri si rari. 

Am petrecut o zi in Cape Town, inainte de a reveni in tara si pot spune ca m-am simtit usurat cand m-am intors la civilizatie, acesta fiind unul dintre cele mai cosmopolite orase de pe intreg continentul. Am mers la shopping, mi-am cumparat o multime de amintiri si am adus suveniruri pentru toti cei de acasa. Cred ca am facut peste 2.000 de fotografii in cele 10 zile petrecute pe taramul african si recomand oricui pentru ca este o experienta de neuitat, unde ai parte numai de aventuri.

vineri, 1 aprilie 2016

Advantages of using a virtual tours maker

There are many ways  of promoting your real estate properties that are for sale - this days you can use Google Ads, you can also use Facebook, Twitter, the local listings websites and many other platforms that will deliver your ad and message to potential buyers.

But what will you do about the quality of your listing? How will you compare to other real estate listings from the same online newspaper or web page?

Well... a way of getting in front of your competition is not by paying more on your ads or getting a better listing position (as a very interested buyer will always search for the most listings), but to present your informantion and offer in a better way than any of your competition.

And by using a real estate virtual tour software might be the best ideea. As you will be able to do a presentation that will clearly present your property, you will also attract more attention due to the quality of the listing.

And the best thing related to virtual tours software - you don't need to be a specialist in order to use this kind of software solution, you don't need to know a lot of theory about arranging pictures, pixels, or other king of technicalities, as the software developed by Tour Wizard it is very easy to use and it will produce very fast some cool virtual tour of your property.

Also, all the important details are gathered into one single place with an online virtual tour! Besides the photo gallery, tou can also integrate information regarding amenities, hot spots or even mortgage information if this is the case - so we can say that a virtual tour can be use as a complete listing.